Frequently Asked Question
Workbench will not start
Last Updated 9 years ago
Engineering or 'Demo' licenses that are issued to engineers expire every year and must have new licenses installed.
It is a known issue with Niagara 4 workbench that when the existing licenses have expired, the software will not start.
In order to rectify this, the user must obtain the host ID of their system and provide it to us. We are then able to provide the license files for manual installation.
To obtain the Niagara host ID when workbench cannot start, please perform the following steps:
- Go into your Niagara installation folder. This is typically C:\Niagara\Niagara-XXXXX\ (Where XXXX is your version number).
- Inside the Niagara version folder is a folder called 'bin', enter this folder and double click on the file named 'console.exe' (Note: The .exe extension may not be visible, in which case it will just show as 'console').
- Once the Niagara console has opened, type the following (without quotes): 'wb -hostid'.
- After a short time, the console will return your system HostID (A number starting with 'Win').
Copy your host ID and contact us to request a copy of your license files. Once received, extract the ZIP archive and place all of the files into the licenses folder which can be found in the '\security\licenses\' folder under your Niagara version folder, so typically 'C:\Niagara\Niagara-XXXXX\security\licenses'. You can overwrite any existing files.
Once the above procedure has been completed you can launch workbench, after a short time it should try and detect its new licenses and will run as normal.