Frequently Asked Question

Enabling oBIX on N4 systems
Last Updated 6 years ago

Configuration issue:

In AX, HTTP Basic authentication could be used by setting the Web Service's "Authentication Policy" to basic. In N4, HTTP Basic authentication is handled by the HTTPBasicAuthenticationScheme. This Authentication scheme needs to be added to the Authentication Service and the authentication scheme property needs to be set on users that should use HTTP Basic. Note, HTTP Basic users cannot log in via Fox or regular web dialogs. This authentication scheme is designed to be used with oBIX and similar services.


From the baja palette AuthenticationSchemes>WebServicesSchemes get a HTTPBasicScheme and copy it to Config>Services>AuthenticationService>AuthenticationSchemes

Then create a new user and configure it to use that scheme.

Assign the relevant roles to that user if required

Within the WebService of the Station change Http Enabled to True and Https Only to False

Then configure aM&T to use the new user and password.

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